Creating and Controlling a Small Smart Home Network.

in this chapter you will learn how to connect and control smart devices using either a Home Gateway device or a remote registration server.

Connecting and Monitoring IoT Devices Using a Home Gateway.

The Home Gateway device acts as a local connection to you IoT smart devices. This device was designed to provide Internet access, wireless connectivity and local logic for smart devices. the Home Gateway devices provides an IoT registration service that is always turned on adn an auto discovery service for Things in the local Ethernet and wireless network. Once connected to the home gateway, the user can control and monitor the smart devices from their smartphone, tablet or PC.
Once a home gateway device has been added to the logical workspace, click on the device. You will see the following:

After connecting the home gateway to an existing network, select the Config tab, Ther internet and the wireless interfaces should obtain IP addressing information from the network.
To connect an IoT device, such as a fan, wirelessly, click on the fan and select the Config tab. The simple confgi tab appears. Select the Advanced button in the lower right hand corner to view more options.
To configure and register the fan with the home gateway.

Pakcet tracer - Connect Devices to a Home Gateway and Monitor.

PT - Connect and Monitor IoT Devices Instructions.
PT - Smart Home Packet Tracer File

Registering Devices to a Dedicated Registration Server.

IoT devices can also be registered to a dedicated Registration Server for remote monitoring, configuration or programming. The dedicated registration server has the benefit of being able to provide many other services to your network, such as Web, DHCP, DNS, email and FTP.
With a dedicated server, IoT devices would first be connected to a wireless network and would then be configured to register to the server.
To connect and configure the registratuion server:

To cinfigure a remote device to interact with the registration server: To register IoT devices with the Dedicated Server:

Packet tracer - Connect and Control Devices using a Registration Server.

Connect IoT devices a registration server Instructions
Registration Server Packet Tracer File

Chapter 6.

At the completion of this chapter, you should be able to create and connect IoT devices into a small home network using the built-in registration server of the gome gateway or a dedicated registration server.
For additional help and practice usign Packet Tracer, please visit the Tutorials located under Help in the Packet tracer program. To view some examples of how Packet Tracer can be used, select File, then Open Samples from the main menu.